Tummy Tuck
Full Abdominal Lift
The incision consists of an incision line that runs from one hip to the other but can be hidden in a bikini swimsuit. The swelling in the lower, middle and upper abdominal wall muscles and fascia is corrected and the swelling is removed.
With the fat layer, the excess skin is stretched and the excess is removed. The hub has been adapted to its new location. Liposuction can also be applied to give a smoother appearance to the contours and to create a better line. In a full tummy tuck operation, it may take an estimated 2-4 hours depending on the width.
Partial tummy tuck (mini tummy tuck)
A small incision is made between both groin. The looseness of the muscle and fascia in the lower abdominal wall is repaired, and thus swelling is eliminated. The skin is stretched and the excess skin and fat layer is removed.
The hub handle cannot be moved.
Liposuction can often be used to correct the transition area. The operation time in the mini abdominal area is 1-2 hours.
Recovery Process After Abdominal Stretching
Dressing is done after the operation. A special abdominal corset is worn to prevent swelling, minimize and support the abdomen. There may be swelling and pain in the abdominal area for a few days after the operation controlled with painkillers.
Drains are removed after an average of 1-3 days. You will stay in the hospital for about 1-3 days. You can return to work after 2-4 weeks. The scar will be an estimate of red-pinkish color for 3 or 6 months, and it may take 9 months to 1 year for the scars to flatten and fade.
Your acceptable mark is created to be placed under the bikini. The new shape of the operation on the body is better noticed 3 weeks after the operation. Your self-confidence increases after abdominoplasty.