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The surgery can take two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia, local anesthesia, or intravenous sedation. Very small, indiscernible incisions are made, and the excess fat is removed by suction through surgical vacuums or syringes attached to a thin tube. There are several ways of removing excess fat. Tumescent liposuction – the traditional liposuction technique, in which a sterile solution is injected into the targeted area to numb it, and the fat is removed mechanically by moving a cannula (thin tube) back and forth. Laser liposuction – uses heat generated by lasers to liquefy fat by rupturing the membranes of fat cells, making it easier to extract. Laser lipo is more likely to damage surrounding skin, nerves, and blood vessels than Vaser lipo, but the damage is most often minimal when it does. Vaser liposuction – uses ultrasound energy to liquefy fat before suctioning. Vaser lipo is more precise than laser lipo and, therefore, less likely to damage any skin, nerves, and blood vessels surrounding the fat.
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